With this article we’d like to pick up where we left off with our last blog. We’ve been talking about the importance of stretching. And when combined with chiropractic care, the two elements become a powerhouse of preventative maintenance for the human body. But, how do chiropractic care and stretching work together?

There is a study out of Canada on alternative pain management therapies versus conventional medicine. Researchers followed 150 patients that had been suffering from a low back condition for less than seven months. Half of the patients received conventional medical techniques, which included anti-inflammatories to treat their condition. The other half received chiropractic care. Researchers were astonished to find that the patients receiving chiropractic care twice a week for four weeks were significantly better as opposed to the patients who were receiving conventional medicine. Those patients improved very little over a period of six months.

Low Back Pain is Common in Modern Society

There can be many reasons for back pain and especially low back pain. Low back pain can result from an injury or accident. It could also be genetic, or possibly a result of poor posture and bad habits. Today I want to not only touch on “bad habits“ but also one very important and unique muscle. As we’ve previously stated, as a society today we sit or are stationary more than any other society in history. Sitting for an extended period day after day can have devastating effects on the lumbar spine and all its supporting muscles.

Our bodies were designed to move. Movement brings nourishment to our bones and joints. The nourishment to these areas come from the blood which contains nutrients as it flows through the joints. For that reason, when we are inactive, we don’t just lose valuable nutrients to our lumbar spine. We also start to see atrophy and decreased length in the hip flexor muscle group, more specifically the Psoas muscle.

How Do Chiropractic Care and Stretching Work Together?

The Psoas muscle is unique because it is the main muscular connection to the upper body (torso) and the lower body (legs). This powerful muscle also attaches to the lumbar spine and to the front of the body at the femur close to the groin area. Therefore, when someone sits habitually for an extended period with inactivity, this muscle group which gives us the ability to stand and walk starts to weaken and shorten.

When the Psoas and hip flexors shorten, they begin to pull on the bones to which they attach. This pulls the lumbar spine out of alignment causing pain and weakness in the hip and groin area. This is where chiropractic care, preventative stretching, and exercise come together to remedy lower back pain and muscle dysfunction.

As we know, when our chiropractor preforms an adjustment, they are targeting specific joints that are not working properly. After the adjustment when the joint has restored mobility, the muscles attached to the joint begin to relax. For that reason, this decreases the stress on the joint. At this point during each patient’s treatment, they then need to incorporate a provider guided stretching and exercise regimen. This way, patients are empowered to keep their joints and muscles healthy.

Trust Us to Help You Get Back to Health

Again, we at Back to Health Chiropractic not only want to get our patients out of pain, but we want to keep you out of pain using the science of chiropractic care and preventative measures.  Call and make your appointment today and let us get you Back to Health.